Tricky Check Ride Questions
During my check rides (an informal name for the practical test a pilot will take in the process of receiving a certificate) I have encountered questions that came as a, “well…I don’t know the answer to that”. I’m not alone, any honest applicant would attest to not knowing all the answers. You might think the FAA is out to trick you, they’re not. The Airmen Certification Standards (ACS) exist so you can know exactly the topics that will be covered and the knowledge expected of you. None the less some questions can feel tricky because you’ve never studied the material or heard it asked in such a manner. Your examiner chooses the questions because they test a lot of candidates and know where training often lacks and is needed.
It’s ok not to know all the answers, but you absolutely should take the learning opportunity to review and understand and never miss the same question twice. In this spirit I have assembled a short list from my own experiences and from others told to me that might just give you a leg up on your check ride, whether it’s a Private Pilot, Commercial or Certificated Flight Instructor ride.
I have not provided the answers, because I’m a meany (my daughter tells me everyday) and learning science informs us that you’ll better remember the concept if you have to exercise your mind-brains to find the answer, LOL.
Why is torque a turning tendency and not a roll tendency?
How are Minimum Elevation Figures (MEF) on sectional charts calculated?
When you roll the trim wheel down which way does the trim tab move?
Does one use Magnetic Course or Magnetic Heading to determine the VFR altitude to fly?
What does the belt that you can see through the front of the cowling do?
When does a tricycle gear airplane have a right hand turning tendency?
If ailerons affect the longitudinal axis then how do they turn the plane?
Does the datum line (weight and balance) move?
Is it legal to fly with an altimeter setting above 31.00?
Does your Cessna 172 have an anti-ice system?
Did I miss something? Leave a comment below!